Sunday, 18 April 2010

Thoughts on Love

Emotions. Dreams. Illusions. Love and disappointments. I have been thinking, observing, experiencing so much that I decided to start writing down my insights.

Can you do both – believe in Fate and believe that you create your own reality? What is reality – are dreams part of it? If you love someone does that mean that you should settle for everything the other person asks you for? And if you really, really love someone, can they disappoint you? Isn't love greater than that?

Those are some of the questions I have always been asking myself about and I am going to find answers on them. Right here, together with you.

I can't help but start with love. I would never define it. “To define is to limit” had said by Oscar Wilde who I absolutely adore. What I intent to do is share some of my visions of love based on all I have felt, all I have seen, all my heart trusts in.

Love makes you smile. It never makes you cry. No matter how cliché it sounds it is the truth. Nobody can hurt you because if you love someone, you would understand everything the other person does. If that thing isn't good for you – be happy. It means that they did it for themselves and that thing made them happier. If you love them you will be happy for their happiness.

Don't ever get angry neither jealous. If someone cheats on you (although I very much dislike this word) – think about them, not about yourself. They had experienced pleasure, they had had a good time. Be happy for them. Forgive them. From this point on, it is up to you and your own perceptions to decide if you want to continue your relationship with them or not. I know I would because my love is stronger than anything else. I wouldn't risk not seeing the person I love even if they are not a 100% committed to me. I would accept whatever I can get. Little can be so much.

If they “cheated” on you, it doesn't have to mean that they don't love you. Listen to them. Talk to them. If it was just a physical attraction, why would that come on the way of your love? Love is superior to all physical. If it wasn't only physical, if there is also love involved, then great! The person you love is experiencing the most beautiful feeling in the world. Accept it and smile to it. Yes, it is not you they are in love with, but don't be selfish in love. You still need to be thankful to that person for awakening in you emotions of love. Don't stop loving that person.

You don't have to agree with me. I see things in this way but it doesn't mean that I want everybody to see them in the exact same way. I am only suggesting different conceptions about love. Those who find these conceptions acceptable may find new ways to see the world through, others may reject them and keep on living the life they have chosen to lead. I am sure whichever path you have chosen to walk – it is the right path for you.

Another matter on the love subject – the person you love can never change. If you truly love them in their true recognition, you will always be able to see beyond visible, beyond certain behaviour.

Love inspires. It never puts you down. Love gives freedom more than anything else. The more you love, the freer you will get. Love that limits oneself, love that gives you orders or puts conditions – is not love.

If you fall in love with someone who doesn't love you back – be grateful. He or she had given you the biggest gift out there – they made you love! You can't be really sad, can you? Even the opposite – you should keep this love for them in your heart forever. They had given you beautiful emotions, why would you want to forget them or try to escape from them? This love was there once. Yes, it didn't actually become what you were hoping for, but it was love – love itself is huge enough and by all means you should try to keep it in yourself. The moment you drop all your expectations from people, you start feeling free and happy. When you appreciate every single tremble of your body that comes from joy, when the thought of someone makes you smile, when the existence of that someone inspires you to go further in life – what else matters? You can feel all those wonderful feelings without the need to be with that person. The simple existence of someone's mere personality can give you more happiness than you can imagine. Only if you allow it to happen. Only if you open your mind.

You may not share my observations and I understand that. I believe that you yourself can find your own ways to love. I only wish you to be always happy about love. Don't let any negative emotions prevent you from smiling.

Try to rise in love after you have fallen in love. Rising in love gives you all of the written above. It is loving beyond all external facts. It is being thankful to that person who arises in you such emotions.

I have been mainly talking about unrewarded love. Nevertheless, with no doubt I believe that sometimes the person you love can love you back. If you had managed to end up being with your soul mate, you must thank the Universe for rearranging itself in such a way, you must thank yourself for wanting it to happen that much that it indeed happened.

Seeing the one you love once in half an year gives you an incredible joy. Seeing the one you love once in 3 months gives you meaning to everything. Seeing the one you love once in a month makes you breathe. Now, imagine what a bliss it is to see them every day. I am not capable of describing it. One needs to go through it to understand it.

Love makes you fly. It unlocks your imagination, your talents. There is no other way for love to grow except in belief. Unconditionally you have to believe in the person you love, but you shouldn't force yourself into believing in them. If it doesn't come naturally - don't force it, don't fake it. Most likely that belief will gradually grow in yourself. So be patient and wait for it. The person who loves you has to believe in you as well. Give them time. Don't give them reasons to believe in you. Love doesn't need reasons. Don't try to prove your skills. Just let it go, let it go by itself. If the love is true, then it is going to come one day for sure.

Patience is another essential ingredient of love. Don't expect everything to happen right now, in this moment. Love needs time to nurture. Don't try to push it. Let it free.

The most important thing remains preventing yourself from becoming jealous. If you let jealousy live in yourself, you are destroying not only your love but also your whole being, your whole soul. Once you let it control you, you can very hardly take it out of yourself. So don't make your life more complicated. Don't allow any negativity come on your way.

There are so many things to be said. I have been thinking about the meaning of love since I was 8. New things occur to me every second every day. May be I am completely wrong about everything. May be love is something else. I don't know that for sure and nobody does. No matter our perceptions of love though, there is one single thing that everybody in love needs to do – stay in love. Give all you can give just to stay in love. Try everything you can to be with the person you love. Nothing in your life is more important than that. Dream strongly, believe in love, know that it is there and know that you will be with the person you want to be with. Don't doubt it. The power of love has no limits and everything is possible.

I hope you find love. I hope you are in love at the moment. I hope you rise in love. Be dreamy, inspired and smiling. Be grateful and free. No matter the way you see love, no matter the way you express love – just LOVE.